With the crazy combination of midterms, scheduling classes for next semester and the general ennui of everyday life, comes many strong emotions as I'm sure you are aware. In this stressful time, I find myself going back to a certain album over and over, that being "White Pony", Deftones’ third album. "White Pony", from June 20, 2000, sees the band refine their sound and continue to hone their craft while helping cement themselves as hard rock icons.
The album begins full-throttle and never lets up except for one track, “Teenager,” before going right back to the original all-out energy. Although the album is quite energetic, there is a sinister atmosphere that also exists. This album must be played at full volume when listened to, perhaps while driving late at night, to maximize your appreciation, but also let go of yourself and be absorbed by the noise.
Produced by Deftones and Terry Date, this album explores much more than surface-level nu-metal, with tracks having notes of shoegaze and trip-hop, in their unique blend.
Much of the lyrical content on the album focuses on the angst and depression of young adults, reflected by Chino Moreno’s voice that features violent screams and peaceful lulls, allowing the album to maintain relevancy and age like fine wine.
Even to this day, not many groups have been able to rival the distinct soundscape of "White Pony" and any Deftones album in general, allowing the band to carve out its own niche of fans, including the unfortunate group that has discovered the band via TikTok, although I will never gatekeep.
Now for the most enthralling piece of this rather concise blog, my ranking of the tracks on this project.
1."Pink Maggit"
2. "Passenger"
3. "Knife Prty"
4. "Digital Bath"
5. "Change (In the House of Flies)"
6. "Street Carp"
7. "Korea"
8. "Feiticeria"
9. "Rx Queen"
10. "Elite"
11. "Back to School (Mini Maggit)"
12. "Teenager"
Go out and get angry, put this in your CD player or on your Spotify, whatever it may be, and release yourself through the music and find relief afterward. Go check this album out!