While starting a new semester is always a stressful time, this year has been hectic. There have been a lot of changes this year and sometimes it’s hard to adjust.
I found myself becoming more and more stressed as the first week of classes went on, but I finally found something to help and really wanted to share it.
I read this book, "yesterday i was the moon," written by Noor Unnahar, and I fell in love.
This book is full of poetry about so many different aspects of life. I found myself wanting to dive deeper and deeper with every page. This book helped me to de-stress and really put things into perspective.
One of my favorite pages in this book says…
nothing teaches better
than this trio
the fears, the tears, the years
{the golden trio}
After reading this, I found myself really looking back at the week. Throughout it, I had many times that stressed me out, but I finally realized I was learning from them. These moments of stress were teaching me how to get through them and how much I am growing every single day with every challenge.
This book is so powerful and Noor Unnahar really uses emotion and a powerful presence in her writing.
Every page is a new verse and it completely encompasses all emotions and so many different experiences.
On the inside of the book cover, Noor displays the many categories she emphasizes including art, people, courage, self-love, culture, and acceptance.
I highly recommend getting this book because of how much it has helped me. I am less stressed, but I also am growing every single day. This book helps you to look at situations in different ways and in turn, helps you grow.
Overall, Noor Unnahar has impacted my life with this book and I really hope you can experience this as well.