Anyone watch the football game on February 13? You may be familiar with it as the Super Bowl, in which two finalists compete for the number one spot. This year's events included more than just football. For the fashion win on Sunday night, Joe Burrow is evolving into the next Tom Brady. Brady with his new career in the fashion industry, and Burrow with his stylish suit at the game. You could say both athletes have a similar game plan. Although the Bengals may not have won the championship, they did win the most fashionable.
Walking into the stadium, Burrow had his confidence unlocked. Now, in terms of the game, I am no football expert, but Burrow had more expertise off the field
than on it this night. I watch the Super Bowl for the halftime show rather than the game, so judging who did a decent job and who didn't is not information you should take from me personally. I do know that Burrow's eye candy on the field made him better recognized for his looks than his talent, at least according to his social media presence. We will never forget the look that caused everyone to take a second glance. Holding sentimental meaning for him, the fur coat designed by Micah Saltzman, a high school friend of Burrow's, comes from his fashion line called Live to Love. Expect the unexpected with Burrow, from fashion icon to professional football player, he is indeed a jack-of-all-trades.