As much as I love getting treated and primped at a real spa, I can’t afford to spend those big bucks. On days when you have to be trapped indoors or just a day you need some extra T.L.C., why not make your own spa day that sticks with your budget? You could plan a day with your friends and share the experience together, or use this time as your getaway. Whatever you choose, here are some steps I think are the simplest ways to treat ourselves.
A Relaxing Bath
One of the best things to clear your mind and spend some time alone with yourself, taking a bath seems to wash all of my cares away. There are a couple of products that I like to add to my bath:
Essential Oils: just a few drops of your favorite oils is enough.
Coconut Oil: drop 1 tablespoon, let it melt, and let the oil do the moisturizing.
Epsom Salt: sprinkle in about a ¼ cup of salt for muscle aches and relaxation.
A Pop Of Color
A simple way to customize your look for a few weeks is to paint your nails. Switching up colors depending upon the season (i.e., dark for winter, light for summer) can make you feel special and unique while adding some color to your outfits and life.
A Rejuvenating Face Mask
Every once in a while our skin needs to be deep cleaned, exfoliated, and revived with a face mask. Once rinsed off, I feel like a new person--it’s so refreshing. Here are two all-natural recipes that I incorporate into my skincare regime:
Exfoliater: 1 tbsp. Olive Oil, 1 tbsp. Honey, 1 tbsp. Sugar; mix together and apply to face for 3 minutes, leave on for 15 minutes, rinse off with water.
Mask: 3 capsules of Activated Charcoal, a ⅛ cup of Bentonite Clay, enough water to cover the mixture; Store overnight then apply as a paste to the face, leave on for 30 minutes, wash off with soap and water. Apply moisturizer.
A Hot Cup Of Tea
While coffee is my go-to drink for a day at home, teas can help you relax because many do not contain caffeine. These are called herbal teas. Here are a few of the teas I like to drink them with a little bit of honey added to make them sweet.
A Calming Playlist
Cool vibes, whether playing softly in the background or blasting full force, can make or break the mood for your relaxing day at home. My favorite music for a chill day includes acoustic and mellow indie/alternative/folk. Here is a link to a Spotify channel that includes some new and old songs that help settle the mind and set the tone for the day.